Temporary licenses and annual Class A and Class B licenses are purchased at the Village Hall from the clerk. Temporary licenses are issued for specific events held by bona fide clubs and organizations. All license applications must come before the Village Board for approval. The costs vary according to license. Their fees are listed on the fee schedule. Questions can be directed to the Village office at (920) 528-8121.
- Class "B" - Fermented malt beverages only
- "Class B" - Wine
Temporary licenses may be issued to bona fide clubs and chambers of commerce, to county or local fair associations or agricultural societies, to churches, lodges or societies that have been in existence for at least six (6) months before the date of application and to posts of veterans organizations authorizing the sale of fermented malt beverages and wine at a particular picnic or similar gathering.
Note: No more than two (2) "Class B" (wine) licenses may be issued to any one eligible applicant within any 12-month period.
License Fee
A non-refundable fee of $10.00 per license is due at the time of application (cash, check payable to Village of Waldo or credit with convenience fee through www.allpaid.com).
Restrictions for a Temporary Beer/Wine License
- License may not be issued to individuals, a partnership or business corporation.
- Licenses to organizations, other than ex-servicemen’s organizations, can be issued only for a picnic or similar gathering of the organization. They may not be issued for business or social meetings of the organization.
- Licenses for club or organization meetings may be issued only to ex-servicemen's posts.
- License may cover either a specified area or the entire picnic grounds.
- License issued to a county or district fair must cover the entire fairground.
- No license to clubs having any indebtedness to any wholesaler for more than 15 days for beer and 30 days for wine.
- Licensed operator(s) must be present at all times.
- The licensed club, club members or any other persons are not permitted to possess intoxicating liquor on licensed premises or the Temporary Class "B"/"Class B" licensed picnic area.
- Not more than 2 wine licenses may be issued to any club, county or local fair association, agricultural association, church, lodge, society, chamber of commerce or similar civic or trade organization or veterans' post in any 12 month period. A municipality may issue up to 20 wine licenses to the same licensee if: 1) each license is issued for the same date and times, 2) the licensee is the sponsor of an event held at multiple locations within the municipality on this date and at these times, 3) an admission fee is charged for participation in the event and no additional fee is charged for service of alcohol beverages at the event, and 4) within the immediately preceding 12-month period, the municipality has issued these multiple licenses for fewer than 2 events. In addition, each event for which multiple licenses are issued shall count as one license toward the 2-license limit.
- Licensee must purchase alcohol from a wholesaler or fermented malt beverage from a permitted brewery or brewpub authorized to sell directly to retailers' and keep invoices for two years.